Pain Relief

PAIN RELIEF Treatments

Painless Chiropractic Techniques

40 Years of Experience

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Get Pain Relief After Surgery

Post-surgical pain syndrome refers to painful episodes that you may experience following surgery. While the surgery was done to correct a problem, it didn't alleviate the problem in whole or in part. It is common to have PSP and for you to be told to live with it.

Since learning to live with it means covering up the symptoms of pain with drugs, in time, serious health problems and issues can result from complications of the medication. Furthermore, since many chiropractors have neither the experience nor the tools to gain the experience, they are reluctant to accept these types of patients.

Axiom Chiropractic has devoted 40 years of practical experience to gaining a keen insight into treating these unique problems. For example, if you were traumatized and fractured a vertebra, you will most likely have received enough trauma to misalign other vertebrae immediately above and below that fracture.

Often this misalignment is so close to the fracture that doctors are reluctant to address this injury. Therefore the residual pain that follows surgery is almost always a result of this unattended injury. The misalignment does 2 things -- creates nerve interference and produces irritation in the soft tissue that drives swelling and advances joint degeneration.

We have state-of-the-art equipment and technology that allows us, with pinpoint accuracy, to reduce nerve interference, restore normal joint motion, alleviate scar tissue effects, and realign vertebrae around the surgery site without popping or twisting the neck.

Back and Neck Pain

Contrary to conventional wisdom, back and neck pain isn't caused by a lack of aspirin or pain pills. Back or neck pain is almost always caused by abnormal joint motion. Stress can build up in the spine from an old injury or a slowly developing postural injury. This stress causes pain and nerve pressure, which results in pain symptoms in the back and neck. However, the real cause of the pain is the vertebral misalignment.

Is it hard to look over your shoulder? Is there a constant pulling or throbbing pain in your neck? Do you notice a grinding sound as you turn your head?

These are signs that your cervical vertebrae are significantly misaligned and need to be put back in alignment. An old neck injury can affect the entire spine, above and below it. The joints in the neck have many more nerve endings in the joints than the similar areas in the spine below it. The body can adapt to spinal injuries and is geared toward protecting the balance of the head. Therefore, stress can set into the lower back regions simply because of a neck injury. That's not the only cause for low back pain, but it is a rather common cause and a complicating factor to head and low back pain.

We examine the entire spine from top to bottom and we remove subluxation* complexes wherever we find them.

*A vertical subluxation is a minor misalignment of vertebrae that causes nerve interference. A subluxation complex is nerve interference and joint degeneration with inflammation of soft tissues.

Arthritis Treatment

"Artro" = joint

"itis" = inflamed

The most common spinal arthritis stems from improperly moving spinal joints, which are caused by misaligned vertebrae. Vertebrae become misaligned due to poor posture or trauma. In other words, vertebrae either sag slowly out of place or get knocked out of place. When a vertebra does not communicate normally with the one above it and/or the one below it, friction results.

This friction to the soft tissues that comprise the actual joints between the vertebrae creates irritation that precipitates inflammation (arthritis). This inflammatory disease can be relieved by strengthening your posture and restoring normal motion to the spinal vertebrae. Most people would prefer to correct the misaligned vertebrae than spend a lifetime on anti-inflammatory drugs. This is what we can help you do.

The least common arthritis (less than 5% of the reported cases) belongs to a type of disorder that we refer to as systemic arthritis. This type of inflammatory disease is currently believed to be an autoimmune disorder such as gout, psoriatic, or rheumatoid, in which the body attacks its joints. These types of conditions do not fare well with manually manipulative procedures.

To summarize, there are 2 kinds of arthritis. The first responds well to manual therapy, and the second does not. We have the ability, through our extensive diagnostic tools, to differentiate whether you have one or the other, or a mixture of both. If you suffer from both kinds of arthritis, we can make you feel better by addressing the one we can help and leaving alone the one we can't.

Migraine and Headache Treatment

When systems of the body are not able to function normally and get out of synchronization, various symptoms develop, such as tunnel vision, nausea, weakness, dizziness, and other symptoms. While stress is often blamed for provoking a migraine headache, the underlying causes are a combination of a lack of sufficient rest, vertebral subluxations, and improper diet.

Our approach is 2-fold -- nutritional and biomechanical. Since vertebral subluxations alter nerve function, the body is not able to rest or assimilate foods well or otherwise respond promptly to the environment. By correcting subluxations, the body can rest and respond normally to the environment. The only other thing we feel that is important to evaluate is whether or not you are creating problems nutritionally by eating foods that are toxic or unsuitable for digestion.

We provide you with foods that your body are more likely to handle well. Our assessment includes our extensive spinal bio-mechanical examination which includes the pro-adjuster, X-rays, and lab work in the form of blood typing.

Degenerative Disc Disease

A disc is a soft tissue between the vertebrae. This soft tissue allows each vertebra to move independently in various directions. When this tissue is damaged, the space between the vertebrae typically narrows. As the space joint narrows, the disc material is forced outside of the normal joint space. This creates a bulging effect. The bulge can be so profound that it can break open and the liquid inside the disc leaks out into the body. This leak can occur in front of, the back, or beside the spine.

If this occurs front or side, then the bulge, or the material that breaks out of the bulge has no neurological consequence. However, if the bulge herniates backward in any direction, it can have the potential to press against the spinal cord and/or nerve rootlets. We'll  examine you for this disorder. We have specialized equipment that can decompress the disc bulge and reduce any pressure it may put on the spinal cord or nerve rootlets. Our machine is called the DTS machine.

Hip, Knee, Ankle, and Foot Pain

When standing or walking, the foot begins the motion of the body that works into every joint including the spine. We call this action the kinetic chain of events. This means the foot is the beginning of motion that transcends to the head with motion. If your foot, knee, or hip is misaligned, even slightly, we can properly diagnose it and treat it the way it should be treated by restoring the proper, healthy motion of the gait and reducing your pain.

The most common treatment for disc injury is traction or surgery. Alone, neither is as effective as they are when utilized with the manual therapy of chiropractic adjustments. The reason for this is simple: to have a disc injury, you must have a misalignment. Misalignments are comprised of multiple twists and turns and not simply a vertical compression on the disc.

To pull apart a disc by traction does not address the rotation component or the flexion component that is in every misalignment. Therefore, when you are only treating a fraction of the problem, you are likely to only get a fraction of the recovery that is possible. We analyze every injury from every angle and we address every compromise that makes up your vertebral subluxation complex.

Learn More About Axiom Chiropractic

Located at 941 S Carol Rd, Villa Rica, GA, Axiom Chiropractic specializes in chiropractic, pain relief, sports injury, and back pain treatment. Free consultations. 40 years of experience. The latest techniques. Call us.

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